
Quest Collection is proud to present one of the world’s most unique and elegant selections of Judaica. We take pride in our seamless blend of modernity and tradition that allows our customers to elevate their practice of Judaism and their lives.


Ancient Israel Coin Dreidel Product Code: DRD45C


Etrog Box Product Code: BX17A


Rainbow Fish Salt & Pepper Set Product Code: S&P10A


Marrakesh Honey Dish Product Code: HNSET20C


Marrakesh Dreidel Product Code: DRD43C

2 colors
Color Options: Chimes Mezuzah - Charcoal Chimes Mezuzah - Silver

Chimes Mezuzah - Charcoal Product Code: MEZ200C


Freesia Dreidel Product Code: DRD44A


Branch with Mini Apple Bowls Product Code: ORN24A


Geometric Dreidel Product Code: DRD41B


Honey & Apple Salt & Pepper Set Product Code: S&P06B


Swirl Mezuzah Product Code: MEZ195C

2 colors
Color Options: Byzantine Yad - Gold Byzantine Yad - Purple

Byzantine Yad - Gold Product Code: YAD34B


Butterfly Branch Menorah Product Code: MEN48B


Pomegranate Washing Cup - Hammered Product Code: WAC15BH


Acorn Dreidel Product Code: DRD42B


Antiquity Mezuzah Product Code: MEZ201A

2 colors
Color Options: Fern Matchbox Set - Gold Fern Matchbox Set - Blue

Fern Matchbox Set - Gold Product Code: MBSET03J

2 colors
Color Options: Yad Holder - Gold Yad Holder - Silver

Yad Holder - Gold Product Code: YADHDR02B


Pomegranate Havdalah Candle Holder Product Code: HVCH06B


Flower Tallit Clips Product Code: TC22F


Leaf Set - 4 Piece Product Code: LF03A

2 colors
Color Options: Mini Pomegranate Bowl with Spoon - HP Mini Gold Pomegranate Bowl with Spoon

Mini Pomegranate Bowl with Spoon - HP Product Code: DSH30C


Imperial Menorah Product Code: MEN35B


Pomegranate Glass Tray with Attached Bowl Product Code: TRAY35C


Waterfall Kiddush Cup- Small Product Code: SKDC06B

2 colors
Color Options: Fern Mezuzah - Green Fern Mezuzah - Gold

Fern Mezuzah - Green Product Code: MEZ151C


Portico Mezuzah Product Code: MEZ199A


Freesia Seder Plate Product Code: SDR18A


Freesia Flower Mezuzah Product Code: MEZ198A


Freesia Matzah Tray Product Code: TRAY86A


Freesia Kiddush Cup & Tray Product Code: KDC38A

2 colors
Color Options: Synagogue Dreidel - Silver Synagogue Dreidel - Gold

Synagogue Dreidel - Silver Product Code: DRD02E

Items 193-224 of 491