Add some magnificence to your shabbat meals with these handcrafted Quest Collection challah knives. Each has a serrated blade and an elegantly designed handle with a sturdy grip.


Lattice Challah Bread Knife Product Code: KN20B

2 colors
Color Options: Two Tone Painted Pomegranate Bread Knife Two Tone Wooden Accent Pomegranate Bread Knife

Two Tone Painted Pomegranate Bread Knife Product Code: KN17E

2 colors
Color Options: Branch Challah Bread Knife - Silver Branch Challah Bread Knife - Gold

Branch Challah Bread Knife - Silver Product Code: KN16A


Royal Challah Bread Knife Product Code: KN05A


Cascade Challah Bread Knife Product Code: KN02A


Byzantine Challah Bread Knife Product Code: KN14B


Pomegranate Challah Bread Knife Product Code: KN13A

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