Shabbat, a ritual day of rest and celebration, begins every Friday night at sunset, ending the following evening after nightfall. Women light candles to welcome in Shabbat before a big Friday night meal. However, before dinner can begin, Kiddush must take place! Kiddush is a prayer and blessing of the wine in a ceremonial goblet, the Kiddush cup. Following Kiddush, the meal begins with two loaves of bread placed on a beautiful challah board. Prior to eating the bread, diners must wash their hands with a special washing cup and recite the blessing of Netilat Yadayim. The end of Shabbat is marked with the Havdalah service, where a blessing is recited over a candle, a spice box and a cup of wine. Browse Quest Collection’s items to find any piece you need for the Shabbat celebration!