Pomegranate Kiddush Cup & Tray - Gold

  • $255.00
  • Product Code: KDC36B
  • This Kiddush cup is part of the Pomegranate Collection. The pewter-based stem of the goblet is designed in such a way that it resembles the trunk and branches of a tree. Blossoming at the top are hand-painted ripe pomegranates and leaves. The stainless steel cup matches the gold-plated stem extraordinarily well. The tray included comes with a matching pomegranate and leaf design around its outer edge and helps prevent any mess or accidents.
Dimensions: H 6.70" Dia 3.15"
24ct Gold Plated Pewter, Stainless Steel, Hand-Painted
Made in: USA
Color Options:
Pomegranate Kiddush Cup & Tray - Gold Pomegranate Kiddush Cup & Tray - Silver
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