Ring Jewelry Holder - Green

  • $55.00
  • Product Code: RH01N
  • Always misplacing your rings when you need to take them off? This is the perfect solution! Stunningly handcrafted from pewter and plated in silver, this ring holder is in the shape of a flower. It is hand painted in a vibrant lime green with a beaded design and authentic Austrian crystals resting lightly on one of the petals. A stem grows from the center with a silver vine wrapping all around it, creating a great spot to place all of your rings. This is perfect to keep by your kitchen sink, nightstand or even bathroom!
Dimensions: H 3.75" Dia 2.75"
Light Antique Silver Plated Pewter, Hand-Painted
Made in: USA
Color Options:
Ring Jewelry Holder - Green Ring Jewelry Holder - Fuchsia Ring Jewelry Holder - Purple
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